My research focuses on transients events which can be observed at high energies. I study the optical counterpart of gamma-ray bursts, and mainly, I'm interested in their earlier emission. Typically, I use data from the COATLI, RATIR and DDOTI which are telescopes placed at Ensenada, México at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional de San Pedro Mártir and this will be done with COLIBRÍ.  

Moreover, I am involved in the follow-up of the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves. Recently, I have been working in the analysis of more exotic transients, such as fast blue optical transients, fast x-ray transients and fast radio bursts.

You can see some of my work, clicking here:

I have participated in several international and national workshops, congress and meetings (for example Deciphering the Violent Universe). What I like the most about my work? Well, besides learning, I really enjoy sharing what I know in outreach talks and workshops for the public.​

Besides, I organise a weekly seminar of High-energy Astrophysics: and the annually international congress LIA-ERIDANUS, a workshop dedicated to the COLIBRÍ telescope in 2021 and in 2022).